Tarea 1

 Resumen si

Early calculations  Devices

-Invented 5000 years ago by the chinese
Napiers bones
-In 1617 created by John Napier. Rectangular rods marked with numbres on them

In 1642 invented by Elaise Pascal a computing machine know as Pascaline

BadBage´s  Analitical Engine
In 1822 Chales Badbage developed a machine know as difference Engine that perform mathematical operations automatically 

Tabulating machine
In 1890, Herman Hoilefith invented a tabulating machine was used in census

The first Electro- Mechanical computer

In 1944. Prof Howard Aiken built the first electro mechanical computers named Mark 1

The first electronic computer
Eniac and Univac
John Mouchly and John presper Eckert together built it known as ENIAC was 10 feet wide 100 feet long

-Smaller in size, faster in speed, more accurate, and more reliable 
Univac --) PC --) Desktop computer 

Smartphone (-- Table-- pc-- notebook--all--in--one--pc --raspberry

Generations of computer


-They used  vacuum tube tecnology
-They used Machine language
-They size was very big
-They were very expensive
-They produced a lot of heal 
-They operating speed was very slow
-They were not much reliable 

IBM 140
-They used transistors
-They used assembly lenguage
-They cost got reduced
-The size become faster
-They produced a lot of heat

IBM-360, ICL 1900 
-They used integrated circuits (ICS)
-They used high-level language like fortran and cobol 
-The size became smaller 
-They generated less neat and were more, reliable 

(1971- onwards)

-They use microprocessor
-They use high-level lenguage like C-Ctt, and java 
-They are multipurse computers 
-They are accurate, reliable, and very fast

Intel 4004
Fifth generation (Present - Beyond)
Actual PC 
- They fifth generations will use super large scale intergrated chips 
-Have artifici intelligence
-They will be able to recognize images and graphs
-They are intended to work with natural language.
